Enjoy your
holidays in villa, near Assisi, Gubbio and Perugia... |
Assisi, 50 Kms from Agriturismo
San Rocco |
Assisi stretches out on the slopes of the Monte Subasio,
above the plain where the Topino and Chiascio rivers flow.
Although it can boast Roman origins, its present-day appearance,
because of the buildings and also the urban structure.
is surely due to the city's development during the Middle
Assisi's oldest nucleus, which is protected by a defensive
apparatus made up of eight fortified entrance portals and
a long belt of town walls, which are still perfectly preserved,
is topped by two castles on peak of the mountain: the Major
Castle, reconstructed by the Cardinal
Albornoz in 1367 and
the Minor Castle.
Apart from religious buildings too important to not be considered
solely the heritage of Assisi such as the basilica
of St. Francis, the tourist can also visit the churches
of St.
Clare and St.Peter.
The first was constructed in the Gothic style between 1257
and 1265, the second is a little older and decorated with an
middle portal with three rose-windows.
The Cathedral, dedicated to the Patron Saint St.
vaunts a splendid and unaltered facade with sculptures and
reliefs; the interior, however, has undergone much reconstruction
during the centuries which have distorted the original project
dating back to the 13th century.
On the Town Square situated on the ancient Forum, you will
find the Priors' Palace (1337), the Palace
of the People's Captain (12th century) and the temple
of Minerva, built during
the augustean period with pronaos, columms and corinthian
capitals which are still intact.
Nearby, places which are connected with the life of St.
Francis can be visited, sich as the Eremitage of the Prisons,
immersed in a thick wood of oaks and ilex on the slopes of
the Subasio Mountain, and the convent
of St. Damian, which
was built up around the oratory were, according to tradition,
the Cross spoke to the Saint.
Finally, in the plain, the impressive basilica
of Saint Mary of the Angels was built according to the plans of Alessi
between 1569 and 1679 to protect the Porziuncola Chapel,
which was the first simple meeting-place of the Francescan

All those who have
the good luck of visiting this splendid town have to agree
with who says that the beauty of town goes beyond a short,
and necessarily incomplete list of works of art more or less
extraordinary, but is however to be found in the atmosphere
of places which the story and the faith of the Saint have rendered
unique all over the world. |
Gubbio, 60 Kms from Agriturismo
San Rocco |
Laying on the slopes of Monte Ingino, Gubbio is one of the
most ancient towns of Umbria, extremely well preserved during
centuries and rich of monuments testifying its glorious past.
Two important witnesses of the past are the Tavole
one of most important documents referring to the ancient
people called Italici and the Roman
Theatre just outside
the walls of the town. Dominated from the top by the Basilica
on which the rests of St. Ubaldo are buried, Gubbio keeps
architectonic masterpieces testifying the beauty and the
imprtance of what used to be during the Middle ages, a real
At the beginning of the XIV century the Consuls
today symbol of the town, was constructed together with the
square Piazza Pensile and Pretorio
To remind the
palaces Beni, del Bargello with the famous fountain, of
People Captain , in typical renaissance style, Dukes Palace
by Francesco
Giorgio Martini which testity the importance of the period
on which the Montefeltro's family had the administration
of the town.
Very interesting are also the Cathedral (XII century), St.
Maria Nuova (inside which one can admire the Madonna del
Belvedere painted by Ottaviano Nelli on 1413), Church and
Convent of St. Agostino (XIII century ) with inside frescoes
of Nelli, Church and Convent of St.
Francesco (XIII century), St.
Giovanni (XII century) characterised by the facade and
bell tower in romanic style, St. Peter enlarged in 1505 and
St. Domenico enlarged in the XIV century.
Among the most important manifestations taking place in
the city we should absolutely mention the Racing silk
of the
Crossbow and the Ceri Race.
Perugia, 40 Kms from Agriturismo
San Rocco |
Perugia, the great "Guelf strong-hold" rises
up in the region's heart, with its 5 storical quarters closed-in
by its Etruscan town walls. These enormous bastions formed
by cyclopic square masses, were constructed 22 centuries
ago and are still visible for long stretches.
When the city of Rome was little more that an encampment
of huts, one could already enter the etruscan Perugia Italy
using one of 7 portals, among which one was particularly
mighty, the Porta Pulchra or of Augustus, dating back to
Etruscan times.
Entering the city via Porta San Pietro, whose exterior was
remodelled by Agostino di Duccio in 1475, you'll arrive at
the basilica of St. Dominic on the right-hand side; the very
important National Archeological Museum
of Umbria is to be
found in the adjacent cloisters and convent.
Continuing along, you'll reach the Piazza
del Sopramuro,
where the 15th century Palace of the
Old University and the
adjacent Palace of the People's Captain look down on the
square. Further on, after a short climb, you'll find yourself
in one of Italy's most important squares, where you'll see
the Priors'Palace, the Cathedral and the 13th century fountain
Major Fountain at the center. These monuments render the
Piazza Grande of Perugia (now called Piazza IV Novembre)
a superb architectural complex. At the extreme end of Corso
Vannucci you'll find famous panoramic gardens built on the
foundations of the Rocca Paolina, a strong-hold built by
Pope Paul III in 1540.
These foundations contain, similar to under an enormous
bell, an entire quarter of the old Perugia: a dead city,
a sort of Medieval Pompei which has been brought tot light
again and which is fascinating to visit. Perugia's ascents
and stairways are usually quite steep, both the most ancient
and the most recent. The way Via delle Prome is a typical
example. Leaving from the Augustus Arc, this way lead to
the upper point of Perugia, where used to be the castle of
Porta Sole, erected in the XIV century by the dal Gattapone,
and destroyed later for willing of the whole town people.